Tango Teaches Leadership and Teamwork Skills

Psychology is crucial to Argentine Tango [AT] dance form. In tango, it is crucial to understand the viewpoint of your partner just like in a leadership role. Tango dancers like rising stars and business leaders demonstrate persistence, drive, commitment, and concentration. Everyone is impatient, competitive, and ambitious. These are great personality traits necessary for success in life and business. If not handled well, it can also be a recipe for disaster. In tango, both the leader and the follower share such high-performance qualities.

Interpret the cues

In business or tango, the male leader sets a path of movement that the follower or a femme fatale responds to with grace and elegance. Together, they dichotomize and congregate the 8 basic steps into countless combinations including dramatic pauses performing to 4/4 beat.

Verbal communication is used in the business world, whereas in tango teamwork is nonverbal. While dancing, the leader cannot stop telling followers that he will lead a gancho. If the leader and follower don’t connect strongly, the dance becomes painful.

It takes two

Where to learn the tango in Buenos Aires

Argentine tango essence lies in the sophisticated chemistry between the leader and follower as they move in an embrace. Technical steps need learning but the real challenge is the psychological part. The leader needs to bear in mind that the follower is an active collaborator and not passive. Followers are ambitious as leaders but need to learn moves that are guaranteed to work with their femininity. Both, the follower and leader are equal partners in tango.

Absolute beginners will not understand the difference between foot drag and kick so can make students on advanced to intermediate levels feel frustrated because their skills differ. Just like at the workplace, beginner dancers are slow to respond to the moves, which need skilled dancers to re-channel their impatience to succeed. Leaders who concentrate on shared success will be able to capable to turn every error into a growth opportunity. Gaining awareness that personal ambition will hinder if you don’t work in sync with others.

Send clear cues

To send clear signals the tang instructors at Ultimate Tango online classes make use of lead & follow walk lessons. Many leaders fear making daring moves because they feel anxious about stepping on the feet of their followers. Therefore, they adopt a sideway waddle rather than moving straight forward. Now, the follower finds it hard to move straight back as requested, so the dance seems odd to watch.

Strong women don’t have to be masculine for building trust with their male partners. There was a time when women were banned in practice sessions. Men had to compulsorily dance with another male to learn how to lead. Today, there are women students with whom men can strengthen their skills.

AT is a procedure for seduction and it enhances his masculinity. Women find it gratifying to dance with men whose mojo work. Decisiveness and tenderness in a man’s embrace are felt. Even his hesitation, distraction, or show-off can be detected in the moves because the brain is linked with every muscle, so each thought gets transmitted. Therefore, make our dance effective with practice and discipline!

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